Volunteers Do Not Necessarily Have the Time;
They Have the Heart - Elizabeth Andrew
Volunteers are what keeps our Curling Club alive and running. We thank the many members who constantly give their time, energy and talents! We require a minimum of eight (8) volunteer hours per member, but please keep in mind it takes many more hours then that to keep our club operational!
How to record your hours: please record all your hours on the bulletin board upstairs by the kitchen. You will find a card with your name on it, please write down what you did and the hours you worked. Once you have completed your minimum 8 hours, your additional $200 volunteer cheque will be shredded. TBD is the Volunteer Coordinator, so if you are unsure of how to volunteer, she can steer you in the right direction!
PLEASE NOTE: there have been some questions about baking rates, to keep everything simple 1 pie/1 dozen squares/1 tray etc. = 1 hour of volunteering.
Ice Installation
Contact Greg Pfaff at 519-235-2074
Learn to Curl - TBD
Bartending - see the signup sheet in the bar
Organize a Bonspiel
Cleaning the Club
Clean windows
Kitchen help
See sign up sheet in the kitchen at the Exeter Curling Club
Join our Marketing Team and Help the Curling Club Grow!
Contact Dave Frayne 519-630-3443
Join our Executive Team or Advertising Team
Contact Steve Hern 519-476-8019